Monday, May 27, 2013

Big Hug

This blog has to go back a week to begin. On Sunday May 19th the storms began. The storms were headed to Edmond.  Our son was being an Okie, and was outside watching the rotation over his head,
He said you could feel cold air then hot air as the winds swirled around. He survived the storm just fine with no damage. Then Monday May 20th the big storms hit Moore,OK.. Our son was at work with no power, so no tv, storm sirens were going off and hail was pelting the building. Since he is a manger he had to get all the people to safety in the bathrooms.  This storm also missed him. 
Fast forward to Saturday 
We decided to head out for a short ride and we wanted to check out the tornado damage in Moore.  It was a cool morning with just a 20% chance of rain. When we got close to Oklahoma City we saw some of the first damage. 
The friends we were riding with had close friends that now live in Moore, so they wanted to go by and check on them and give big hugs. 
We stopped and visited and gave big hugs. Then it was off to check on our friends that work at the Harley shop. It was very close to the most damaged area. 
This is what is left of a convenience store that we always stop at to get gas. In fact, we had just stopped there on Saturday to fill up before we headed home from the Harley  shop. 
There is the Harley shop with the flag flying in the wind. We went in and gave big hugs to all our friends that work there. Now just one more hug is needed by this mom. 

I needed a big hug from my son and I got it.  
Once the hugs were all given we looked at the weather and decided on a route to take home. We were trying to make it around the rain. 
That is not a tornado, it is RAIN!!!  We were looking for a place to take shelter, but before we could find one the rain hit. We made it to a shelter, but not before we got wet.  

After waiting about 45 minutes, we dried off the bikes and headed for Duncan. A few miles down the road the temperature dropped and the wind started really blowing, so once again we took shelter. 
We made it home just a little damp, but had a great day with lots of Big Hugs!

View from the back. 

Until next time

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