Friday, August 10, 2012

Celebration Day!

Today, August 10th, was a Celebration Day for all kinds of things.
Celebration number 1:
30 years ago today, I gave birth to the most amazing baby girl.

 It is amazing just how quickly she grew,
and grew,
and grew,
and then she was an amazing young woman!!

All too quickly she was off to college, and then a cross country move to the east coast.

I am so proud of the woman she has become.

Celebration number 2:
Our son has received a promotion at work. He also grew from a cute little thing into...
a young man getting a promotion at work.

He has learned so much over the last few years, I am very proud of the young man he has become.

Celebration number 3:
This was a celebration of life as we talked about our friends Roger and Linda, who were killed while riding 5 years ago today.

The first time we met Roger and Linda, they welcomed us with open arms. We had just bought a bike and were trying to find a group of people to ride with. We went to a CMA meeting and met a wonderful group of people. Linda was a great teacher for a newbie like me. She taught me how to stay cool on hot days, how to stay warm on cold days, and gave tips on packing in saddle bags. Roger was a great joker. He was always giving me a hard time about my hair or spitting seeds on him as they rode behind us. We originally bought our bike to do day rides, then one day Linda says "We are going to a rally in Ruidoso. Do you guys want to come?" so we started really riding. That was the first of many rides and many miles. We miss them, but know they are in Heaven looking down on us as we travel. Every time we ride through Ryan, we give them a wave!!

Celebration number 4: A celebration of new friends. On our first trip to Ruidoso we met Chuck and Diane. Diane is another mother duck that made this newbie feel welcome. We lived in different towns, so when Roger and Linda were gone we lost contact. With the introduction of Face book, we reconnected and a few months ago we started riding with their Friday night dinner ride group. This is a group of people who have welcomed us in and made us feel right at home. We have the best time on Friday nights, just eating, laughing and visiting.

We usually end up with the ladies on one end of the table and the guys on the other, so we can talk and not have to yell over each other. You never know if the group will be 6 or 26, but we have a great time. I can hardly wait for some cooler weather, so we can really ride with this group.

View from the Back!

August 10th, a great day all around!

Until Next Time!!

1 comment:

Diane Higdon said...

Oh my gosh, you really made me smile big to see the pics of us all piled into that pickup truck. Crazy weekend.
I am excited about all your celebrations, and I am also very glad that we were in one of them. I just can't believe it has been 5 yrs. since we lost Roger and Linda. Time really does fly. So glad that we were able to reconnect and spend time with you guys. It has really been fun, and we haven't even ridden anywhere exciting. Can't wait till we take a few trips. Love that you are blogging too. So nice to see the trip in someone elses eyes.
Congrats on Andrew's new position in the big world of life, and Happy Birthday to Noni....I have not met Noni yet, but if she is half the person you are, I will truly love her too! :)