Sunday, March 17, 2013

Winter Rides 2013

January 27 2013 was one of the warm days we have in the middle of winter in Oklahoma. It was warm enough that we decided to head out for a short trip to Medicine Park, Oklahoma. This is a small community in the foothills of the Wichita Mountains. Now if you are from Colorado these really aren't mountains but here in Oklahoma next to the sweeping plains they are mountains.
We decided to ride to the top of Mount Scott, it really does have a beautiful view.

I think I took this while riding to the top.

We love taking pictures of Bella.
It was sort of cold because I was really bundled up.

Another warm day sometime in February my brother had come to Duncan for a visit. Since it was pretty we decided to ride with him part of the way to his house. We rode the back roads to Ratliff City where we stopped for a quick drink and a rest.
The ride over was wonderful but the ride home was a different story. The wind started sweeping down the plain. Keith was driving right on the center line so when the gusts hit we wouldn't end up in the ditch. I felt as if we were riding on the edge of our tires. Even with all the wind that didn't stop me from getting a nap. If you are not a biker you probably won't understand but you really can get a nap on the back of a bike. That is why I like being the "B" on the back.
view from the back

Until next time.

Ride Therapy

If you follow my blog you will realize the last time I wrote was in September 2012 it is now March 2013. It seems as if when we went to Bikes Blues and Barbecue the race began. We have been going none stop since September. I still may blog about our trip because we had such a great time.
Fast forward to March.... Friday night March 15th was a beautiful warm evening. We both had a very stressful week so we decided we needed some therapy "ride therapy" . We got on the bike and headed out. We just road up the road 10 miles or so to Marlow then headed to our favorite Mexican food place for dinner. After dinner we acted like a couple of Duncan kids and road up and down the drag for a while.  It was the most wonderful "Ride Therapy"
Since it was night time my view from the back is very interesting.

view from the back

Until next time.